Thursday, May 16, 2024

Being a dad

 Flowing back, flowing forth

tired eyes counting ten little toes

Those Hands of precision 

fixing the crib

Lips rounded with 

lullabies sweet

Measured steps helping the wobbly feet 

shoulders becoming July 4 fireworks’ elevated seat

The joyous finger pointing to the multicolor rainbow arc on the sky 

The liquid shadow 

running along as the novice bicycle pedals by

The alert figure sitting on the passenger seat

the nervous, bitter joy watching his teenager behind the wheel

Your Prattles stammering history, 

punctuated, pidgin grammars 

Dipped in motivational mentors’ mastery

You fill lingering lazy weekends

Sometimes with hard rock, sometimes with country

And  balance budget equations with sheer wizardry

You Whisper history in ears 

while pouring color on an empty canvas

Your Soft words full of care,

crowded with tough vowels in a rasp throat

Keeping us out of trouble, up and afloat

While A theater of dreams deep in flight, runs in front of your eyes

A Heavy lifting Back pronounces your height 

When you whistle a long forgotten lullaby

Your sweat scented with nameless cares and chores intensifies

Clowning and stilt dancing “what, why hows of life’s challenging pronouns

You proudly dissolve your name to make “Dad” your proper noun

This poem is dedicated to all hard working dads out there, who usually don’t get to bask in the glory of metaphors and poetic verse.

smile, calmness and sometimes a tough look is what makes a dad your best friend 

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