Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Adios Winter!

Weakened by thy atrocity,
Brittle trees plead mercy.

Glass of Ice frame leaves of Pine,
Waiting for thawing Sun to shine.

Birds stumble, clueless branches crumble
As blaring winds come aghast with a rumble.

Barren nature stiff with thy wrath
Ground frozen as a cold rain aftermath.

Tiny critters  helplessly craving ,
nibbling remains and still saving.

Black ice drapes the asphalt,
Bringing life to a screeching halt.

Morns shiver and nights tremble,
as winter goes on with its ensemble.

Long have been days of frost and freeze,
Winters hijacked spring’s pleasing breeze.

Chills filter in with a winter gloom
As we wait anxiously for spring bloom.

Kids restless to be out and about,
Be on swings or catch summer trout.

Adios Winter! Eager we are to say,
Move on to show spring its way

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The little creature burning bright

In the pitch- black of a moonless night,
From the woods travels a beautiful sight,
Rising from the deep to reach height,
Mesmerizing children and the wise,
Emitting  soft, radiant light.

Years wrap up and fold backwards,
I remember I had caught one,
Between my little hands,
And would peek from the finger-gaps
To see the little creature burning bright.

Slowly, I would open up fingers,
Only to let it go as it flickers
To see winged luminous light,
Nurtured by nature to be a night guide
Creating a halo with flawless free flight.
Revolting against the dark of the night.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Autumnal Equinox

It tip-toed,
quietly across the celestial equator,
whispering a fond adieu to summer,
smiling at the fall’s first chill
showing its camaraderie with
Saturday downpour that shaked leaves.
As the hands on the clock,
melting the day and night together,
knit a full circle on the face of time,
declaring the autumnal equinox,
the Sun merges due West under horizon.

Beautiful times of the year ahead
In my neck of the woods as
Nature explodes in vibrant colors of
yellow, orange, purple and red.
leaves begin to drop off the trees,
its time for kids to jump into leaf beds.

Warm apple cider and pumpkin pies
Pamper the taste buds and stay on minds
The breezy nights begin to linger longer,
Aspens tremble with the changing weather
And woodland critters store for long haul of winter

The child in me is happy
To see the sight of hay stacks,
ripe apples in the orchards,
morning frost on the pumpkins and the
smell of firewood burning in neighborhood
wakes up my free autumn spirit.

September, 22, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Waiting for the Toothfairy

Waiting for the Toothfairy 

Toothfairy has an appointment today,
I hope she easily finds the way.

Under my pillow, in a little pocket,
lies what came loose out of the socket.

Away with her, she will take
A new one to replace it, she will make.

I wonder what the dainty little fairy brings
when in misty dawn,she comes on her wings.

not to wake me up, she will try,
but can I peek a little to just say Hi!

I know, her unsaid promise she will keep,
off to bed, right in time, I go to sleep.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

An Instance………….

She was there, totally lost and busy.

Moving up-down, left-right and across

How can I deny, she did inspire me?

Carefully knitting her web, as tender as moss

I sat idle, sipping coffee, my eyes open and lit

Discovered she was employee, she the employer.

The little business girl’s only inventory, her spit

Indigenously she wove it with great splendor.

She made me feel belittled, though so little.

It’s strange for hours I watched a spider.

With her appendages weak and feeble

She boldly taught me to live as a leader.

But envying her absolute independence

I ruthlessly crushed her in next instance.

Thoughts ....

Thoughts come and go
to sing ,dance and play.
Thoughts fast and slow
But why they dream and lay?

Thoughts evaporate and condense
unite past and present.
Thoughts have strange fragrance
So bubbly yet persistent.

Thoughts dull and smart
Attain great height.
Thoughts close to heart
being dark or bright.

Thoughts tread or chase
move in disguise.
Thoughts win the race
though wrapped in lies.

Thoughts helpless and helpful
are admired, rise and then fall.
Thoughts push and pull
not allowing others to crawl.

Thoughts complex and simple
Make us smile or cry.
Thoughts brave and feeble
But why some live and most die?

Fair Lily

I am a happy flower today.
Dew drops adore me and say,
My color is perfect,
and bloom is on its way

When Sun touches me with gold ray,
grass smiles and shines the hay.
You become my fragrance
to spell-bind all in the bay.

I blush when your thoughts
like butterflies come and play.
You mesmerize me by your sight.
To you I revere my whole day.

To me all colors are yours
whether blue, pink or grey
I lie in temple footsteps,
all my chants for you pray.

Plant me in your heart's garden,
before I get slay.
I am ready to be a lily,
fair just for a day