Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Adios Winter!

Weakened by thy atrocity,
Brittle trees plead mercy.

Glass of Ice frame leaves of Pine,
Waiting for thawing Sun to shine.

Birds stumble, clueless branches crumble
As blaring winds come aghast with a rumble.

Barren nature stiff with thy wrath
Ground frozen as a cold rain aftermath.

Tiny critters  helplessly craving ,
nibbling remains and still saving.

Black ice drapes the asphalt,
Bringing life to a screeching halt.

Morns shiver and nights tremble,
as winter goes on with its ensemble.

Long have been days of frost and freeze,
Winters hijacked spring’s pleasing breeze.

Chills filter in with a winter gloom
As we wait anxiously for spring bloom.

Kids restless to be out and about,
Be on swings or catch summer trout.

Adios Winter! Eager we are to say,
Move on to show spring its way

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